When We Were Refugees
Read the captivating true story that has sold thousands of copies and garnered 167 5-star reviews on Amazon!
Armies were advancing on their town, forcing the Bui family to flee — but how could they escape? The main bridge was bombed out and cars could not cross the rushing river beneath it. How would their dad — their fearless, unfailing leader and military commander — solve this one? Through killing fields the family traveled on foot, by truck, and by small boat at sea, barely escaping the war that was engulfing Vietnam, threatening to take their father as a political prisoner. When We Were Refugees is Winston Bui’s incredible true life story.
From the peaceful seaside village of Nha Trang, it erupts in their dangerous escape from Saigon on a missile-damaged ship, and leads to his radical conversion to Christ in America. It tells how Bui’s loyal ministry team built some of the largest Christian student groups on America’s top university campuses — all by God’s grace. With an unflinching honesty, heartfelt humor, and hard-earned life lessons, this book will give a window into the life of a refugee who became a true trailblazer and ardent advocate for the widow, the orphan, the marginalized, and the outcast. Take the adventure, witness the breakthroughs and miracles — and join the story of … when we were refugees.
About The Author
Winston Bui was born in Saigon, Vietnam. He fled the country as a refugee on the day of the fall of Saigon on April 30th, 1975 and later arrived in the US. After settling in Oklahoma, he discovered Christ as a teenager at a youth service. He graduated from Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma and became one of the nation’s top campus ministry leaders through Chi Alpha campus ministries. He established and led Chi Alpha chapters at his Alma Mater in Oklahoma; the University of Missouri; the University of California, Los Angeles; and the University of Southern California. He has also served as the West Coast Area Director for Chi Alpha campus ministries.
Having experienced first hand the unthinkable horrors of war and the challenges of refugee life, Winston has a deep passion to help those in desperate need and to see them thrive. His life experience, compassion, and practical humanitarian approach to challenging situations have allowed him to impact communities around the world. His many personal encounters with the devastating effects of war, poverty, and hunger have also made him a highly sought-after speaker who boldly advocates for the needs of the orphans, the widows, the marginalized, and the outcast, and actively seeks to facilitate practical solutions to their challenges.
Winston has led many missions teams all over the world, including Haiti, Mexico, Vietnam, China, and throughout Europe. He has led more than 49 teams to invest in the small village of Fond Doux, Haiti for over two decades. Winston is a visionary, known by many as a gifted and powerful speaker, who has a heart for missions in the US and internationally. He now resides in Oklahoma with his wife and daughter. He also loves college football, drinking coffee, and exercising.
What people are saying…
This book drew me in from the very beginning and brought me into the journey of a refugee fleeing war, a very relevant experience for the times we live in today... This book makes your heart race, brings you to tears, and most importantly, gives you hope in God’s redemptive power.
Elisha C.
... God really does have a plan for everyone of us. Seeing God’s plan unfold in Winston’s life while reading this book is a great testimony of the mercy and love God freely gives to those seeking and searching for Him.
Larry V.
Such a great story: Growing up in Vietnam, him and his family rescued by being one of the boat's people, finding his purpose in life, fighting through loss due to cancer, and developing into a world-class leader of trips to Haiti and other nations.
Uwe M.